Nine Reasons why Free is Best

1. Its Free.
2. The quality of many products are superb.
3. You are supporting independent research and thought.
4. You are providing exposure to a worthwhile project.
5. Did I mention it was FREE?
6. With the right products, no one will know you used free anything. Unless you tell them.
7. With each download, you tell the mega-giants that you will not be held hostage to their products and licenses.
8. You know you are not stealing anything
9. You can usually make changes without violating any laws or restrictions.

Yes, I believe creative commons, open source, copyright free and freeware to be godsends to the majority. I do caution you to read the licences and obey them. If they request a link back be a good responsible consumer and link back. If the license states "NO commercial use" or "no derivative work", then respect the artist or author. If you cannot or do not wish to abide by their requests then do not use their work.

Use freely, give freely and love freely.

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